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How to Leverage Personalized Data for FAST and SVOD

Personalized data is critical to video content monetization, whether in a subscription-based environment or an ad-driven FAST channel. Coming at the topic from both angles, LaShawn McGhee, Co-Founder & CPO, Revry, and Rob Collins, Executive Director of Software Development, Starz, discuss the topic with Nadine Krefetz, Consultant, 现实的软件, Contributing Editor, 流媒体 in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023.

Krefetz asks McGhee, “如果你想根据你的技术堆栈为你的观众提供大量的个人数据,会发生什么?”

McGhee说,这是因为在数据收集方面缺乏行业标准化, 每个平台都必须找到自己的方式来解释用户数据,并找出最有效的方法. 她说:“你要找到创造性的方法来看待指标,找出你们的共同点。. “Because to be honest, not everyone is giving you the same level of data, whether it's sessions or views or impressions or watch time. 因此,你必须从内部弄清楚你的指标是什么.她认为,最重要的是什么最能引起观众的共鸣. “我们可以知道用户在做什么,不管内容是否引起共鸣,”她说. “所以我们是一个以内容为中心的媒体,要确保内容能引起人们的共鸣.”

Krefetz说, “我提出个性化数据的原因是,它经常被用于广告定位.” To Collins, she says, “[Starz]  doesn’t have advertising. What [do] you use your data for in terms of your outreach?”

Collins says that Starz intensely focuses on viewer behavior and preferences, since Starz “lives or dies” by the quality and relevance of their programming. “So the whole thing is do we get viewership? Do we get renewals? Do we get new customers? And so forth,” he says. “我们试图捕捉所有关于某个人会看什么和他们可能会看什么的信息. And that even goes into programming decisions. We've got a certain audience and here's what they respond to. So let's try to really hone in on those. It's extraordinarily important to have that kind of thing. 既然没有广告收入来源,我们能制作人们喜欢的节目吗?”

Learn more about a wide range of streaming industry topics at the next 流媒体 Connect in November 2023.

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Can Data Normalization Fix FAST?

可以说, FAST生态系统面临的两个最大挑战是管理广告体验和为支持该平台的品牌提供投资回报率. 专家, 从弗里曼特尔的劳拉·弗洛伦斯到Fuse Media的帕特里克·考特尼,再到媒体制图师埃文·夏皮罗, 同意将他们收集的数据标准化,并按照程序化广告的承诺进行投放,这是实现这一切的关键. 但这段来自2024年流媒体连接的视频显示,说起来容易做起来难.

How OTT and CTV Platforms Monetize First-Party Data

零方和第一方数据是否正在成为欧洲和美国OTT平台和CTV领域的新收入来源.S., 当涉及到以货币化为目的收集数据时——尤其是可寻址电视——我们在消费者隐私方面的界限在哪里? ESHAP的Evan Shapiro和Dataxis TNT市场分析师Ophelie Boucaud在流媒体连接的这段视频中讨论.

Monetizing FAST and OTT with Metadata and User Data

没有什么能让推荐引擎——以及其他盈利杠杆手段——运转起来, go, go like data in its many varieties. 特别是元数据是个性化观众体验和优化内容组合的关键. 人工智能在提高元数据质量和改进推荐方面发挥着越来越大的作用. As analysts focused on the M&电子行业以及在各大媒体公司扮演重要战略角色的业内人士对此表示赞同, 数据对于了解客户旅程以及就如何接触和留住订阅者和客户做出明智的决策也至关重要, on the ad-supported side, deliver the right ads to audiences and the right audiences to brands.

Metadata and the Battle for Streaming ROI

Whether your game is FAST, AVOD, SVOD, 混合动力, or premium or longtail content, 智能地利用元数据是使产品货币化的关键组成部分. 华纳兄弟. Discovery's Dan Trotta, TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道, Vevo's Bethany Atchison, Erickson Strategy's Paul Erickson, 和克里斯·普法夫科技媒体的克里斯·普法夫在这段来自2023年流媒体连接的视频中分析了当前和新兴的战略.


Evergent的Vijay Sajja解释了OTT和FAST市场整合将如何引发新一波替代货币化策略.

How Premium Brands Are Leveraging FAST

As with any other entertainment streaming genre, the engine driving FAST is the monetization of content, and as with large-scale live events in particular, FAST通过将品牌与物业相结合,并有效地为这些品牌提供服务而蓬勃发展. In this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023, Revry联合创始人Damian Pelliccione和Chris Pfaff Tech Media的Chris Pfaff讨论了Revry如何与品牌合作,以及Revry关键节目的品牌识别,这些节目使行业领先的LGBTQ+节目目的地蓬勃发展.

Content-Based Data Analysis and Streaming Ad Optimization

工作室如何利用逐场景内容分析来提高广告的特异性和针对性, and how effective are current implementations? WarnerMedia former VP Byron Saltysiak, Play Anywhere's Pete Scott, Qonset's Jesse Redniss, 和麦哲伦电视的詹姆斯·洛赞在流媒体东部2023的这段视频中讨论.

How to Use Data to Understand and Engage Your Audience

Quickplay的Naveen Narayan和现实的软件的Nadine Krefetz讨论了如何收集正确的数据来提高流媒体平台对其受众的理解和了解, yielding enhanced user engagement and content monetization, in this talk from 流媒体 West 2022.

Where Does Actionable Streaming Data Come From?

Revry的Damian Pelliccione和Legion M的Jeff Annison在这段来自流媒体西部2022的视频中讨论了他们如何收集和应用有用的流媒体分析,用于广告驱动的OTT和FAST.

Does Better Data Mean Better Ads?

更好的数据如何影响用户对广告支持的流媒体层的反应? 个性化广告偏好的更多选择是否会让人们更容易接受广告支持的流媒体? 三位行业专家讨论了这些问题,以及大量数据支持广告的未来,以及它对流媒体行业和整个网络的影响.

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