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回顾:黑魔设计12G 7“视频辅助12G HDR

在这篇综述中,我们将看看 黑魔设计的7寸12G视频辅助. 比如视频辅助系列中的5英寸和3G型号, this compact monitor-recorder is designed to go out into the field and attach to the camera, 钻井平台, 或三脚架. It allows you to see your shot better than a small viewfinder or pop-out LCD that's rarely larger than three four inches on most pro camcorders. The Video Assist also enables you to record your footage in high-quality ProRes or HD|NX at resolutions up to 4Kp60.

在这篇综述中,我们将看看 黑魔设计的7寸12G视频辅助. 比如视频辅助系列中的5英寸和3G型号, this compact monitor-recorder is designed to go out into the field and attach to the camera, 钻井平台, 或三脚架. It allows you to see your shot better than a small viewfinder or pop-out LCD that's rarely larger than three four inches on most pro camcorders. The Video Assist also enables you to record your footage in high-quality ProRes or HD|NX at resolutions up to 4Kp60.


The Video Assist has a touchscreen that allows you to control the unit with Record. “播放”、“后退”和“前进”按钮.

它可以让你看到音频通道,可见的VU仪表. You can display up to four channels and record audio via HDMI or SDI, 或者使用侧面的两个Mini XLR插孔. If you want to record directly into it, you just set it in the menu.

视频输入与音频输入相邻. 本机具有HDMI和SDI I/O. 在视频辅助的另一边,你有两个SD卡插槽. 您可以将它们设置为同时录制或一个接一个录制. And you have a jack for audio and a LANC controller for setting it to record remotely with a LANC jack if you have such a controller. 还有一个USB-C接口,可以连接便携式SSD硬盘. 正如我之前提到的 Blackmagic HyperDeck Studio HD Plus的评论我在这台机器上用过LaCie,效果很好. 它很轻, and it'll take you a long time to fill up a 2TB SSD even at the the higher bitrates. 如果你想录音,就用SD卡, you can use the OWC V90 cards I've tested it with or other similar SDHC/XC brands.


On the back of the Video Assist you have two Sony L Series battery slots. That will run the device for about an hour each, depending on how you're using it. If you're using it just as a monitor, then it will probably run a little longer. If you're using it to record as well as a monitor, you can expect about an hour per battery. 如果你的工作时间很长, carry two or three batteries and a charger so that you can cycle them out and recharge them as necessary.

也, 我建议小心安装的电池, 因为它们不能锁住,很容易脱落.

12 g vs. 3G视频辅助

For years I have been using the o钻井平台inal 5" 3G视频辅助 that only does up to 1080p recording. It has two mini-SDI jacks and two HDMI jacks, and only one card slot. 没有USB-C外接录音, 它使用佳能LR-6电池, 它们不会持续很长时间.

So I welcomed the chance to use the 7" 12G Blackmagic Video Assist out in the field and found it very useful. 它做得很好. This 12G model allows you to up-res up to the 4K ProRes, which the little 5" 3G model can't do. There is a new 12G 5" version, but if you can go a little bigger, it's worth it for the 7" model.

The direct ancestor of the Video Assist was actually invented by legendary actor and comedian Jerry Lewis. He was the first one to bring an early videotape recorder on location and get a video tap from a viewfinder and record and play it back. He was probably recording to 2" Ampex VCR tape, a unit that weighed about a ton. Just 60 years later we're able to record 4K into this compact device on a chip roughly the size of my thumbnail. 所以我们已经走了很长的路.

If you're going to go out in the field and do some recording, I recommend the Video Assist. The various 3G and 12G models range in price from about $500-$1,000. Depending on your needs and your budget, they make one for pretty much everybody.

在NAB 2024的Blackmagic设计展位上接受采访, Blackmagic Design's Bob Caniglia and 流媒体's Shawn Lam discuss how Blackmagic is enabling producers to convert 4K and HD signals to SMPTE 2110 so they can move content across IP 网works, with their new open-source 2110 IP codec and new 10 gig port-equipped Blackmagic Design cameras that support it like the PYXIS 6K and the URSA Cine 12K.
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Bob Caniglia of Blackmagic Design talks with 马克·富兰克林 about Blackmagic's latest cameras, 转换器, 并在NAB 2023的演讲中解决.
Testing the 黑魔法设计视频辅助 4K in a variety of shooting situations at a succession of four trade conferences